While at Body & Soul at the weekend (only starting to right myself again now!!), there were some great examples of very clever upcycling - one of which is below...
A very clever installation by Vodafone that highlights just how many handsets - €4.5 millions worth! - are sitting in drawers around Ireland just waiting to be recycled! That is a staggering amount of technology just lying around that ultimately can be made use off again. Why not recycle yours a donate the money to charity?

Body and Soul - the ultimate upcycle
While at Body & Soul at the weekend (only starting to right myself again now!!), there were some great examples of very clever upcycling - one of which is below...
A very clever installation by Vodafone that highlights just how many handsets - €4.5 millions worth! - are sitting in drawers around Ireland just waiting to be recycled! That is a staggering amount of technology just lying around that ultimately can be made use off again. Why not recycle yours a donate the money to charity?